Thomas Davidson - BA (Hons) Photography

Initial Ideas

I have a few ideas for videos I would like to shoot, however for this project I have been asked to create my piece with the theme of 'point of view' and to relate it to current issues and debates in photography.

point of view:-
 a particular attitude or way of considering a matter.
 the position from which something or someone is observed.

In our module briefing we were introduced to a few artist who had worked with video. One of them was Nicolas Provost who created a short video made up of stock footage from Las Vegas. The way he cut the film and the soundtrack he used created a feeling of suspense and tension. What I liked about his work was the way he used Hollywood film pastiches that we are used to seeing, to create a very uncanny film, when in reality nothing was actually happening.
This is something I would like to use or explore more during this project. Audio can have a huge impact on the way we perceive things.

Brief: Advanced Photographic Practice

For this brief I will be producing a time based piece that consists of a series of stills or moving image with a soundtrack.
The theme for the work is 'point of view'.