Thomas Davidson - BA (Hons) Photography

Adobe Premiere Pro

Starting a New Project
When  starting a new project you will need to input a small amount of information depending on what kind of device you used to capture footage with. You can also decide where you want your project to be saved.

File Handling / Organising 
To keep everything organised, I placed video clips, audio and stills in different folders when importing. This meant it was easy to keep track of everything when editing.

Tools Panel
A) Selection Tool
The standard tool for selecting clips, menu items, and other objects in the user interface. It’s generally a good practice to select the Selection Tool as soon as you are done using any of the other, more specialized, tools.

B) Ripple Edit Tool

Select this tool to trim the In or Out point of a clip in a Timeline. The Ripple Edit Tool closes gaps caused by the edit and preserves all edits to the left or right of the trimmed clip.

C) Rate Stretch Tool
Select this tool to shorten a clip in a Timeline by speeding up its playback, or to lengthen it by slowing it down. The Rate Stretch Tool changes speed and duration, but leaves the In and Out points of the clip unchanged.

D) Slip Tool
Select this tool to simultaneously change the In and Out points of a clip in a Timeline, while keeping the time span between them constant. For example, if you have trimmed a 10-second clip to 5 seconds in a Timeline, you can use the Slip Tool to determine which 5 seconds of the clip appear in the Timeline.

E) Pen Tool
Select this tool to set or select keyframes, or to adjust connector lines in a Timeline. Drag a connector line vertically to adjust it. Ctrl-click (Windows) or Command-click (Mac OS) on a connector line to set a keyframe. Shift-click noncontiguous keyframes to select them. Drag a marquee over contiguous keyframes to select them.

F) Hand Tool
Select this tool to move the viewing area of a Timeline to the right or left. Drag left or right anywhere in the viewing area.

G) Track Selection Tool
Select this tool to select all the clips to the right of the cursor in a sequence. To select a clip and all clips to the right in its own track, click the clip. To select a clip and all clips to its right in all tracks, Shift-click the clip. Pressing Shift changes the Track Selection Tool into the Multi-track Selection Tool.

H) Rolling Edit Tool
Select this tool to roll the edit point between two clips in a Timeline. The Rolling Edit Tool trims the In point of one and the Out point of the other, while leaving the combined duration of the two clips unchanged.

I) Razor Tool
Select this tool to make one or more incisions in clips in a Timeline. Click a point in a clip to split it at that precise location. To split clips in all tracks at that location, Shift-click the spot in any of the clips.

J) Slide Tool
Select this tool to move a clip to the left or right in a Timeline while simultaneously trimming the two clips that surround it. The combined duration of the three clips, and the location of the group in the Timeline, remain unchanged.

k) Zoom Tool
Select this tool to zoom in or out in a Timeline viewing area. Click in the viewing area to zoom in by one increment. Alt-click (Windows) or Option-click (Mac OS) to zoom out by one increment.

Project Panel
The project panel is where you can keep track of everything you have imported. You can organise things into diferent folders and read important file information.

Source / Program Monitor
The source and program monitor panels look very similar but have different jobs.
The Source Monitor plays back individual clips. In the Source Monitor, you prepare clips that you want to add to the timeline panel. You set In points and Out points, and specify the clip’s source tracks (audio or video). You can also insert clip markers and add clips to a sequence in a Timeline panel.
The Program Monitor plays back the sequence of clips that you are assembling. It’s your view of the clips in the timeline panel.

Media / Effects Browser
In this panel you can search through various effects to add to your clips. These effects can be configured on the source monitor panel.
A few useful effects are the:

-Three-Way Colour Corrector

This allows you to control the colour balance of your footage aswell as the levels. I use this frequently to make sure the colours and tones in my film look good.

-RGB Curves
This is a very usefull effect for colour grading or colour balancing video footage. By switching to the waveform view on the program monitor you can use the rgb curves to get the best exposure and colour out of your clip.

-Warp stabiliser
This is a new feature of Premier Pro CS6 whcih allows you to stabilise your footage without having to open after effects. I use this to smooth over shaky footage although it can have some unwated warping effects.

Timeline Panel
This is where you can order your clips and audio which are outputted into the program monitor. You can use the tools mentioned above to help you order and cut your sequence..